Dr. Guangyu Zhou Publishes Three HIV Research Manuscripts

Based on a disclosure dataset collected in Guangxi, China, Dr. Guangyu Zhou, in collaboration with Dr. Xiaoming Li and Dr. Shan Qiao, has developed three HIV research manuscripts which were recently accepted by peer-reviewed journals. Two of the studies explored psychosocial mechanisms of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence and implied potential approaches to improve medication adherence. These studies were published online in AIDS and Behavior and AIDS Care respectively. In another study, the authors confirmed that HIV symptom management self-efficacy buffered the negative effects of internalized stigma on quality of life among people living with HIV. This study was accepted by the Journal of Health Psychology and will be published online soon. (more…)
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Third International Symposium on Health and Development of Vulnerable Children

[caption id="attachment_345" align="alignleft" width="267"] Dr. Li and Dr. Harrison (far left) participate in a discussion panel with Henan University leadership.[/caption] Members from the SC Center for Healthcare Quality, including core faculty Dr. Xiaoming Li, Dr. Shan Qiao, and Dr. Sayward Harrison and PhD students Yanping Jiang and Wendi Da, visited Henan University in China to participate in the Third International Symposium on Health and Development of Vulnerable Children from May 19-21, 2017. Dr. Harrision, as the keynote speaker, gave a presentation titled, "Evaluation of long-term effects of ChildCARE intervention in Henan, China." Ms. Jiang also presented her research on how psychological resources buffer the impact of emotional distress on health among children affected by parental HIV.
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